Speak Mandarin Campaign 2019

“讲华语,我也可以” (I can speak Mandarin too!) is the new slogan for the 2019 Speak Mandarin Campaign. It seeks to include persons at different mandarin standards, even non-native speakers to embrace the language, stay curious and keep learning! As the emcee, I helmed the mainstage for this weekend public event held at the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre.


The stage programs and fringe activities were fun and relatable for a good range of audiences, from as young as 3years old to 93 year old.  It was a wonderful bonding weekend for many families. The 2 days were dynamic and packed with engaging storytelling, puppetry, parent-child and school performances, live bands, prize awards ceremony and a plethora of games and audience interaction.

True to its slogan, all programs during this 2 days event were conducted and hosted in Mandarin.  


Innovate4Climate 2019